Advertising Diversity: Celebrating Babies of Different Races at the AYP Expo

"Hustling Little Youngsters of Every Nation Lie Side by Side at Exposition Baby Incubators"

Newspaper article which celebrates the diversity of preemies being brought to the Baby Incubator exhibit at the AYP Expo and put on display.

"Kids and Kids Do Stunts at A.-Y.-P. Fair: This Is the Day of All Days for Babies, and Their Proud Mammas and Papas."

Newspaper article about the "baby show" at the AYP Expo that awarded prizes to babies of all different "kinds."

Baby Show at the AYP Expo

Photo of the "Baby Show" at the AYP Expo in which mothers brought their children to be judged as the most beautiful (within their respective ethnic groups).

Part of the advertising effort taken on by the AYP Expo was to broadcast the diversity present in their different baby displays, the Baby Incubator Exhibit and the "Baby Show." The exposition is patting itself on the back for the amount of babies of different races they exhibit, adding an air of "human zoo" to the spectacle.

"Baby Day" was to have taken place on October 2, 1909, but numbers on these photos indicate it may have taken place in July, instead. Prizes were offered for "the finest infants in many classes" including special awards for "children of foreign heritage". Events also included a parade of decorated baby carriages.

"Archives West: Frank H. Nowell Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Photographs, 1907-1909."
Advertising Diversity: Celebrating Babies of Different Races at the AYP Expo