Browse Exhibits (3 total)

Club space

This exhibit details the club space held by three generations of Haverford's affinity groups, including the GPA, BGALA, and SAGA. 

This space, located in two separate rooms in the basement of Jones, one of the 'north dorms' on campus, has served these affinity groups for approximately 40 years. The lounge (at some times referred to as an office) reiterates an important duality embodied by the Haverford administration's attitude toward LGBT students and their groups.

On the one hand, the space in Jones was something that wasn't afforded to many clubs and provided a clear acknowledgement of support and encouragement for queer students. Yet, the space has always been in a basement. Tucked away from the main campus community, the dark and musty room in some ways resembles a closet.

This lounge in the basement of Jones was where the collection of logbooks and diaries were kept and written in. These books exist in their own exhibit, which you can browse here. (this will be a link to the diary exhibit).  

Advance through these pages to read and hear more about the lounge in Jones, its origin, and the function it served throughout the years. 

Diaries and Logbooks


Read about the diaries and log books kept by affinity groups. 


Browse the history of different affinity groups at Haverford, which have changed greatly in their scope, activity, and goals since the mid 1970s.

This exhibit includes information about the Gay People's Alliance (GPA), the Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Alliance (BGALA), the Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA), as well as other groups, including Queer Discussion Group (QDG).